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Online Math Courses For Kids: A More Effective Way To Learn

What do gamers, astronauts and architects all have in common? They use math in their daily lives!

In fact, the U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that “employment in math occupations is projected to grow 27 percent from 2019 to 2029”. However, this difficult subject can seem like a difficult hurdle to clear without the proper tools. Thankfully, online math courses for kids make finding the answers a simple equation.

Making Math Concepts Simple

Math always seems to be labeled as the “hard subject’. This is due to two main problems -- a faulty foundation and a lack of use. The initial issue starts with the misunderstanding of one or two concepts. While it is likely that your child could easily grasp these notions, most math curriculums dump an exorbitant amount of information in a child’s lap in an extremely short period of time.

The expectation that every student will intrinsically take in this information and immediately understand it is unrealistic. Moreover, with the average class size reaching up to 34 students, and the class time available being limited to less than an hour a day, it is no surprise that some concepts are lost on kids. This problem only perpetuates as they progress throughout the courses. Mathematics builds upon itself. Thus, if a child has a faulty foundation, they are doomed to fail.

Secondly, unlike reading and writing, math is not always readily used in a child’s daily life. In fact, with the invention of the world wide web and smartphones, kids are becoming more inept with basic mathematical concepts. Unless parents take the time to have their kids help in the kitchen, invest in an analog clock or spark their interest in woodworking, it is likely that it is almost never utilized outside of the classroom. So how do we change this?

Right Brain, Left Brain

Rewind to the 1960’s -- Renowned psychologist and Nobel Prize Winner Roger W. Sperry postulated that every individual has one dominant side of their brain. This distinction determines their aptitude for certain subjects.

While it may seem like an archaic speculation, the ‘right brain left brain theory’ does hold some weight according to Harvard researchers. “There is truth to the idea that some brain functions reside more on one side of the brain than the other. We know this in part from what is lost when a stroke affects a particular part of the brain….Location does matter.”

While there is still a lot to investigate, this hypothesis does point out an important problem with our current method of teaching. Not every child learns at the same speed or in the same way. Some students will have an innate ability to take in certain types of information more effectively than others.

Out Of The Box Teaching

What this means is that in order for your child to truly understand compiling subjects like math, it is important to look at how your child views the world and interprets information. Are they logical and analytical? Or are they creative and intuitive? Are they visual or auditory or tactile?

According to Professor Sharyn Gallagher from the University of Massachusetts, in order to successfully break through to all students, instructors must use “a variety of techniques that appeal to both areas of brain function [in order to] improve student learning. For example, enhancing lectures with graphical aids or using color, music or other sensory experiences with a presentation or assignment will touch both logical and creative brain processes. As with a muscle, the more the brain is exercised, the more it develops, leading to an increase in the capability to learn and remember.”

So how do you make sure that your child receives this more inclusive style of learning? The answer lies with supplemental education outside of the classroom.

Enroll Your Child In Online Math Courses For Kids

As mentioned above, laying the groundwork for a solid mathematical foundation is the first step to your child’s success in the subject. However, most normal classroom settings are not equipped to meet every student’s individual needs. By enrolling your child in online math classes for kids, you give them the one-on-one attention they need and allow them to ask questions when they don’t understand something.

Monster Education is an exceptional choice for those who are looking to give their child an exemplary education and a potential future in many coveted professions. The class sizes are six students or less and their curriculum features courses like Singapore Math. This diverse way of thinking utilizes those tangible, pictorial and abstract ways of teaching that incorporate all learning styles.

Moreover, these techniques prepare them for advanced courses that can carry them to collegiate levels. Additionally, for those who seem to have an aptitude for more logic based subjects, this online school also offers math and science classes for kids that let them take on concepts ahead of their peers.

By introducing them to a multitude of topics early in life, you give your child the chance to figure out what they are passionate about, propelling them into a successful future. Check out their math magazine for kids to see what they have to offer!

Consider Math Careers

It is extremely important that as you notice what brings your child joy, that you fuel these excitements with the introduction to the various ways that they can use these talents. If your child has an aptitude for arithmetic, consider taking them to the local television station to talk to a Meteorologist or an airfield to talk to a pilot. There are a surprising number of mathematical based careers that will excite your child like a roller coaster designer or robotics engineer!

Moreover, don’t be afraid to start promoting the idea of higher education. Whether taking them to a local college or getting a sneak peek of Columbia University’s prestigious math courses, giving them a glimpse can help to put a fire in their belly to work towards the future.


Heidi Butler is a wife, mother, Newfie owner, writer and Meteorologist on a CBS station. She was born and raised in Texas and has worked in the broadcast industry going on a decade. This has made her a huge proponent for STEM education!


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